SELLERS NEVER PAY any fees or commissions with It’s Auction Time! Never!

Our Auctions:

  1. Let us get your items listed.
  2. Get paid when the items have been sold.
  3. Email us through our Support page email form.

Once we receive pictures of your items, or an entire estate, we catalog each item (or groups of items) and place them on our website for the next scheduled auction. The auction is then heavily marketed and advertised through multiple media outlets such as … The largest direct auction marketing conglomerate today on the web.

After the auction has completed, we provide with a detailed report on your listed items.

Sellers are never charged a commission fee at It’s Auction Time. Our company has seen that the auction houses that charge a seller’s fee deters high selling cost and reduces bidder excitement. The concept that the consignor/seller pays a commission on the products/services they bring to us is void.

Please note that the no auction sellers’ fees to only Its Auction Time Listings. Other consignors might or may not charge a seller’s charge. Please check each auction carefully if they do.

We do not charge sellers commissions, zero, nada, no hidden fees, and no fees what-so-ever. ITS AUCTION TIME does not charge sellers commissions, zero, nada, no hidden fees, and no fees what-so-ever.